Our Story

How it started...

In 1975 a young, newly married Barry & Ann Burns returned to the Tri-Cities to answer the call of God to establish a New Testament Church in East Tennessee. With a burning desire to give others the Truth that was transforming them, they forsook all to realize the calling to see people experience in this life all that Jesus Christ came to provide. They are true pioneers of the non-denominational movement and have preached and taught throughout the United States and internationally.

Pastors Barry and Ann established Cornerstone Church in 1984 as a multi-generational, multi-cultural, charismatic, family church. Both are dynamic teachers with a heart to see lives transformed by the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit. Their teachings greatly emphasize God’s Grace and unconditional love for humanity.

After nearly 50 years as full-time ministers, Pastors Barry and Ann's faithfulness to the calling of the Lord in 1975 has led to countless people around the world being touched by the Good News that the Cornerstone JC congregation hears every week.

In 2024, Pastors Barry and Ann appointed their son Andrew and his wife Jamie to the role of Lead Pastors. Now serving as Founding Pastors, Barry and Ann continue to teach and minster as they counsel and advise the next generation of leadership at Cornerstone Church and beyond.

WHat's Next 

In 2024, Pastors Andrew and Jamie Burns took their  biggest step in service to the Body of Christ when they assumed the role of Lead Pastors at Cornerstone Church.

Andrew and Jamie met at Cornerstone through in 2001 through its college age ministry. Since then, Andrew and Jamie have been involved in nearly every area of leadership at Cornerstone, most recently leading the Youth Ministry.

Their passion is to see people transformed by the power of God’s grace and grow the Body of Christ by training up mature disciples of the Lord Jesus who in turn make more disciples.

As Lead Pastors, they are committed to building upon Cornerstone's 40-year legacy of sound, Bible-based teaching that proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the transforming love and power of God that is available to all believers.

As an artist and former art instructor, Jamie loves all things visual arts, while Andrew "plays" in the snow as part of the Beech Mountain Ski Patrol. They have three children: Annalise, Ian and Carina.

Be a part of our story...

Join us Sundays at 8:45am and 10:45am and Wednesdays at 6:30pm