Relationships God’s Way

Led by Roger & Joy Kelly Meets

Sundays at 5:00 PM

Crafted with the Father’s Heart of Love, Relationships God’s Way will help you discover Truths in God’s Word that God is the author of relationship. Come with an open heart to grow deeper in your relationship with God and also with others. Together we’ll discover how to Believe God for healthy and godly relationships and His faithfulness to His Children. Revelation 12:11 tells us that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb (which is a done deal) and the word of our testimony, and we did not love our lives to the death. Through the 4 classes, Roger and Joy will share their heart and their testimony of God’s Love and faithfulness after 30 years of marriage and how He made their marriage new. They will use the Word of God, their own testimony and Charis Relationship University material in this class.