Live the Let-Go Life: Breaking Free from Stress, Worry, and Anxiety

Led by Karen Hawk & Cindy Canter

Meets Sundays at 4:00 PM

Study based on the book “Live the Let-Go Life” by Joseph Prince

Are You Overwhelmed by Stress, Worry, and Anxiety? Unending daily to-do lists. The frantic pace of life. It’s not hard to see why so many people today are experiencing toxic emotions. Left unchecked, these can all mushroom into chronic depression and psychosomatic illnesses, and lead to destructive behaviors. But here’s the good news: While stress is depleting and debilitating, it can be soundly defeated. In this study, you will learn how to win over the anxieties that come with the everyday demands and pressures of modern living. Discover how you were not designed by God to live under stress, but called to live the life of rest. You will learn how to let go and see His grace flow unabated in the worry-free areas of your life.