A church on a mission 

to Love God 
Love People 
and Make Disciples


HE is what we're all about. Jesus Christ and Him crucified for all. We're a community of passionate followers of Jesus Christ: the son of God, the savior of humanity, our soon-coming King, the center of all existence. We're all ages, all races, all backgrounds, all unified in the Lord Jesus Christ and the transformed new lives we found in Him. We're a family. And we're determined to spread the gospel of His grace to every corner of the world by Loving God, Loving People and making Disciples.      

We TEACH The Gospel of the Grace of God Through Jesus Christ WITHOUT COMPROMISE

We're on fire to see lives transformed, relationships restored, bodies healed and believers empowered to fulfill their destiny in the Body of Christ. Discover your identity in Christ Jesus our redeemer, straight from the final authority: the Word of God.   

Join Us!

Sunday 8:45 am & 10:45 am
Wednesday 6:30 pm